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Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching

The Journey

What is a journey if you do not know your roots?


Our body is a temple so it is time we start treating it like one. My name is Stephanie Tanti Desjardins - Qualified Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach, national team water polo goal keeper and physical education teacher by profession. I am here to guide your every step of a beautiful journey to manage your weight better, teach you how to make better food choices and create a sustainable lifestyle for you and those around you!


Eat & Fuel is all about reaching out to people from all walks of life who want to make life changes, people who have failed several times or people who just simply want to start afresh. Eat & Fuel is about making small baby steps and making you realise that they are large leaps. Eat & Fuel is about putting your health and self-love first before anything else.


Here at Eat & Fuel I offer a free consultation where you decide what package suites you best. Following a consultation session, I make dietary and lifestyle recommendations which we turn into clear "action steps" that help you reach your personal health goals.

As a nutrition and lifestyle coach my mission is to give you the best tools, which you can then use outside the programme. I will walk hand in hand with you along this beautiful journey. Change is Good.

It’s time to Eat & Fuel!


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