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Ought to have some Autumn Food

As the cold weather is being felt all around us, there is nothing better than cosying up at home with some good old-fashioned warm home-made soup.

Pumpkins will soon appear everywhere around us. Although this years' festivities have had to change, eating well and nutritious should always still be our number one priority.

Pumpkin Soup Recipe:

1 sweet potato

4 cups pumpkin

1 onion

Fresh parsley

4 basil leaves

1 litre water

1 cup peas

2 tbs. tomato conserve


Chop all ingredients and place in a large pot. Leave for an hour on mid heat and liquidize to your liking. As a topping pumpkin seeds add a crunch. Therefore use the seeds from your pumpkin, bake them in the oven and sprinkle on top of your soup to serve. Parsley is also a good option as a topper. Freeze any remaining soup for another day when you do not feel like cooking :)

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