It is of utmost importance that the dark shadow hanging above the word 'salad' is removed and removed for good! The visions that come to the minds of some when hearing this word is that of everything leafy green and nothing but a bland, unadventurous taste of sweet nothing!
OK here I come to your rescue. Dressings do not need to be fatty, mayo filled, larger than life sauces which add on nothing but trans fatty acids and saturated fats. Really? Really!!
The three recipes hereunder need no extra effort but just 2 mins of your time and simple refrigerating in mason jars or leftover coffee glass containers. Say goodbye to boring salads for good!!

Mum's Fresh Mint Dressing
1/2 Cup Olive oil
1/2 Cup lemon juice
1/4 Cup fresh mint
3 tbs. Honey
1 tbs. Dijon mustard
2 garlic cloves shredded
Salt & Pepper
Lemon Vinaigrette Salad Dressing
1/4 Cup vinegar
2 tbs. Dijon mustard
1/2 Cup Olive oil
3 tsp. Lemon juice
1 tsp. Garlic powder
1 tbs. Honey
Pinch salt
Pinch pepper
1 tbs. oregano
Honey Mustard Salad Dressing
1/4 Cup Dijon mustard
1/4 Cup Honey
1/4 Cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 Cup Olive oil
Pinch salt
Pinch pepper